Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a favor for your favorite

I am your favorite
you cant get enough of me
I am your favorite
everything you ought to be
but I have a request
something I need for you to do
can you please let this favorite
be who she is to you?
I am not the barer of your dreams
what makes you giggle
doesn’t tickle me
I am not the horse
pulling your wagon
this isn’t my load to carry
being a mule isn’t in fashion
I am not the vessel for which you can achieve
I do have a purpose
I do have my own dreams
so this favor I ask
straight from your favorite
vicarious being
can you please let me do me
and live your own f***ing dreams?

1 comment:

THE JODY said...

Nice! Kinda mean at the end but still a wowsa!