Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yet To Be Realized Potential of a Creative Class Superstar....

by Tiha and Alise

There are the bullies and the bullied
There are the popular and the socially awkward
There are the Bes and the wanna-bes

Some time after high school class culture meets real world life stressors meets survival of the fittest the lines blur and roles change.

The bullies become leaders or dictators (depending on the country)
The popular become entertainers
The Bes are being happy

And the bullied, socially awkward and wanna-bes are in management.
Welcome to cube life!

I think, therefore I am......an outcast in this cubicle nation
Weirdo among automatons scared of recreation...
Not satisfied with status quo and placation
But it is I who is the skeleton key to workplace rejuvenation...
Yet when I cross the cubicle borders I am faced with condemnation,
New ideas faced with scoffs and irritation....

Even complacency is complaining about the tedium of my cubicle existance.
Going against it's very nature, it has planned a mental revolt.
It kidnapped serenity and left a note saying:
give us fulfillment! give us challenge! give us free! or the bitch gets it...

I am a wolf in business casual attire
Ribs are touching..... so I am stalking, staking, slithering, & scoping....
Shuffling around in sensible shoes searching and salivating for something worth sinking my fangs in
Trying futily to fit in with the flock.....
A time bomb with teeth.... tick.... tock....

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